In the mean time, Germany played against Australia (last night) & as every soccer fan knows by now, Germany won 4-0. In "preparation" for this event, Podolsky Junior "revealed" which team he supports!!
Other than 10 magnificent stadiums, in which the various World Cup Soccer matches are played "all over" our country, fan parks have become the norm since Germany hosted the last World Cup in 2006. This one is situated on the Mary Fitzgerald Square in front of Museum Africa - with the Joburg skyline as "backdrop".On closer inspection the central "figure" was built with large Coca Cola crates = Lego-style (as if Podolsky Jr - see above - had "a hand" in it!? because I know as a fact that he loves constructing Lego figures & towers).
Talking about Coca Cola - it's an official FIFA partner & their latest advertising is directed at: happiness is. . .
Do you believe that the (controversial) Vuvuzela is South Africa's 12th (or is it 13th) "player"? Is - or will - it assist Bafana Bafana to win games?
It is said that the "plastic" Vuvuzela replaced the original one made from tin, whilst traditionally, it has it roots in African history - it's based on the kudu horn "instrument" (= Kuduzela!??)
In case you aren't as yet familiar with it, the "instrument" (= Vuvuzela) emits (when blown) a loud monotone. According to Wikipedia, commentators are said to have described the sound as 'annoying', and compared it with 'a stampede of noisy elephants', 'a deafening swarm of locusts', 'a goat on the way to slaughter' or 'a giant hive full of VERY angry bees'!!??
Now see for yourself what British soccer fans think of OUR Vuvuzela - not a kudu horn but a "drinking horn"??
Last but not least & in contrast to soccer fans (??) - the soccer paparazzi.
[By the way - Podolsky Junior is the cute son of my niece living in Windhoek, Namibia]
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